Elizabeth Ohlson “Sexy gay Jesus / migrant pushback”
European parliament – May 02 to 05, 2023 Brussels (Belgium)
An exhibition of photos by Swedish photographer Elisabeth Ohlson.
On the occasion of the Swedish presidency in the European Council, Member of the European Parliament Malin Björk has invited Swedish photographer Elisabeth Ohlson to show some of her images in the European Parliament.
Ecce Homo in 1998.
Ohlson had her artistic breakthrough with Ecce Homo in 1998 in a Swedish cathedral, in which she showed a series of images of Jesus depicted together with LGBTQI people. The exhibition then toured around the world. However, when former MEP Marianne Eriksson of the Swedish Left Party tried to show Ecce Homo in the European Parliament, she was stopped by the questors, as they found the images too offensive.
Welcome to the opening reception with Elisabeth Ohlson on Tuesday, May 2 at 18h in the JAN 3 Q Area. Drinks and snacks will be served.
Welcome also on Wednesday, May 3 at 13h-14.30h in ASP 1 G 2, when Elisabeth Ohlson will give a lecture about her work. A light lunch will be served.
For visitors who need accreditation to the European Parliament for the events, please send an email to charlotta.narvehed@europarl.europa.eu with your name, date of birth, nationality and passport or ID number.
European parliament Brussels→ Rue Wiertz, 60 1047 Parlement Européen
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