Jiri Geller

Jiri Geller

Sculptor, Installation 

Location : Finland


Jiri Geller (b. 1970 lives and works in Helsinki). Is known for his detailed sculptures exploring the contemporary pop culture phenomena. His accomplished works serve cold irony. And raw critique by questioning the dominant, neoliberal iconophilia. While never repeating himself. Geller targets the same territory again and again to explore. The idea that what in our contemporaneity is deemed solid. Permanent and valuable is in fact melting, suspect. And utterly transitory. Geller holds MFA from the Institute of Design. At Lahti Polytechnic and he has exhibited various solo shows around Nordic countries. As well as in innumerous international exhibitions globally.


Artists Directory Jiri Gellerin The Big Time on vuodelta 2005, ajalta ennen joulukuun tsunamia. Kuva Johanna Viljakainen

Website : https://www.jirigeller.com/





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