Meret Oppenheim: My exhibition

Meret Oppenheim: My exhibition

Meret Oppenheim: My exhibition
MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art – Oct. 30 to Mar 04, 2023 New-York (US)


“No one will give you freedom,” Meret Oppenheim said in 1975. “You have to take it.” Inspired by the visionary Swiss artist’s own plans for an exhibition of his art, Meret Oppenheim: My Exhibition brings together nearly 200 works that offer a broad retrospective view of Oppenheim’s innovation throughout his life. From its remarkably open concept art, fierce originality and spirit.

Six decades career .

Best known for her famous fur-lined teacup, the extent of Oppenheim’s six-decade career is largely unknown outside of her native Switzerland. Many paintings, sculptures, assemblages, reliefs, jewelry creations, works on paper and collages are exhibited for the first time in the United States. This exhibition offers a rare opportunity to view Oppenheim’s output. From bold objects first presented alongside those of the Surrealists in the 1930s, to painted collages that incorporate natural materials found in the Alpine landscape, to sculptures in bronze and semi-precious stone – in all its exuberant variety.


Meret Oppenheim: My exhibitionprimatexxt Buchversand - Meret Oppenheim - Mon Exposition 9783777438160Meret OppenheimMeret Oppenheim - Self-Portrait, Skull and Ornament, 1964.… | Meret oppenheim, Surrealist photographers, Self portrait

MoMA →  11 West 53rd Street Midtown – New York, NY, USA 10019






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