Paul Clarke

Paul Clarke

Paul Clarke
Location: Suerry (UK)


Paul Clarke (1959, Surrey, United Kingdom) makes photos and mixed media artworks. By examining the ambiguity and origination via retakes and variations, Clarke investigates the dynamics of landscape, including the manipulation of its effects and the limits of spectacle based on our assumptions of what landscape means to us.

Rather than presenting a factual reality, an illusion is fabricated to conjure the realms of our imagination.

Tactile nature.

His photos are notable for their perfect finish and tactile nature. This is of great importance and bears witness to great craftsmanship.

By exploring the concept of landscape in a nostalgic way. He tries to increase the dynamic between audience and author by objectifying emotions and investigating the duality that develops through different interpretations.

His works never shows the complete structure. This results in the fact that the artist can easily imagine an own interpretation without being hindered by the historical reality.

Social reality.

By focusing on techniques and materials. He considers making art a craft which is executed using clear formal rules and which should always refer to social reality.
His works establish a link between the landscape’s reality and that imagined by its conceiver.These works focus on concrete questions that determine our existence







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