Peter Doherty

Peter Doherty

In Paris. Barcelona. Geneva. Museum Rimbaud. The leader of the group Rock “the libertines” Peter Doherty has trusted HappenArt and our curator Géraldine Beigbeder to exhibit his work.

Peter Doherty and his works are in the spotlight in Paris.

Géraldine Beigbeder our curator HappenArt presents the exhibition “Flags from the old regime” of the English rock star Peter Doherty. Canvas. Works papers. Installations and videos meet in the confines of this discreet loft in the 11th district of Paris. To highlight the artistic creation of this bad boy with restless but nevertheless brilliant reflections. The opportunity also to discover the work of the artist of Albion. freshly installed in Paris.



Peter Doherty shows his paintings in Geneva.

For Geraldine Beigbeder, her curator. Pete Doherty is the illustration of the “wild genius child”. He creates by momentum, by moments and by irrepressible need. As the child would, fragile and without prescription. Without limits. He tests them, freed from the fear of death. Through various substances or experiences. Without limits, too, are his means of expression. Pen, pencil … or syringes. Textures, materials or liquids. Photos, lettrism and painting.



“Flags From the Old Regime” is the name of a traveling exhibition that settles in Barcelona.

As for the message of his works. He is like that of his songs and poems. “Spontaneous. Childish. But terribly serious”. As Géraldine Beigbeder, curator of the exhibition, says. Besides, she nicknamed Peter Doherty “Wild Genius Child”.



Geraldine says of Peter Doherty: When I was asked to become Peter’s curator. I was a bit confused at first. And I mostly heard about him as a musician, writer, poet. I did not really know his work as a painter. A visual artist. Since then. I have been lucky to discover another part of him. And I have clearly become a big fan.




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