Sean Scully

Sean Scully

Sean Scully
Visual artist
Location: New – York


American-Irish artist Sean Scully is best known for his abstract paintings and prints, which seem to synthesize the traditions of classical European painting with the expressive impact of American abstract expressionism through a rigorous yet intuitive approach to artistic practice. Most of his works follow a rhythmic structure of interconnected areas or rectangles of color reminiscent of striped or checkerboard patterning. His canvases are often built up with a heavy impasto and seem to glow with a sense of agency, not unlike the work of the nineteenth century post-impressionists or twentieth century color-field painters. Although his works do not rely on mimetic representation, they often evoke the memories of the artist’s travel and time lived in various countries including Germany and Italy; “in making these paintings I was preoccupied with my memories of Venice, the movement of the water, how it heaves against the brick and stone of the city.”


Sean ScullySean Scully sculpture | Sean scully, Irish art, ScullyCurated Art | Sean scully, Scully, Artist paintingSEAN SCULLY -- BODY OF WORK 1964-2016.06.06 | Geometric art, Sean scully, Irish art








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