Stefan Visan
Performance, Installation
Location : Roumania
The interventions of the artist Stefan Visan are always rather surreal. But they always start from ordinary objects: a silver safety pin pierces green leaves. A burning candle is cut and placed in a tilted position. The lame spaghetti extends the tines of the fork. Installation.
His work is very complex, he spends hours or even days fiddling with in his workshop. He builds something unique with bizarre combinations without any prior intention for what he is going to create.
Stefan Visan does not limit his artistic approach to a single medium. He’s always trying to come up with something new.
“I always explore different things, from painting to collage. Through video collage, photography, illustration. For example, collage is a break with painting and the opposite. Everything I create is handmade, nothing digital ”.
The result is a series of surrealist interventions that mix together everyday objects making them unique and very but very weird!
Stefan Visan→
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