Tomasz Prymon – “Dopaminum”
Galerie Sandhofer – March 6 to May 13, 2020 Salburg (Austria)
“Dopaminum” – Tomasz Prymon Dopamine. Colloquially called the hormone of love and happiness. Why this organic chemical. Synthesized and released by neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Is it so important for humans? It raises the level of our energy. Controls mood, motivates and, proverbially. Makes us move mountains. What would dopamine activity look like if you added color and shape to it?
This interesting enterprise was undertaken within the framework of the exhibition “Dopaminum” at the Sandhofer gallery. So let’s take a closer look at the substance in its artistic dimension. It is dopamine that Tomasz Prymon. He dedicated a series of pieces created since 2016. In the exhibition, we can especially see the last works of 2019. Created using two techniques: oil painting on canvas and acrylic on paper. Such a long cycle of production of the series opens an excellent opportunity to observe the development of the artist.
Galerie Sandhofer – Nonntaler Hauptstraße 50, 5020 Salzburg, (Austria)
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