Zhao Bing Bin

Zhao Bing Bin Mang MAng

Zhao Bing Bin “MANG MANG”


Location : ShenZhen/ShangHai (China)


Mang Mang creates crisp studio portraits that embody many facets of his own psyche. For Mang, a picture cannot be too stylized for privacy. She’s not afraid to cut. Reorganize. Blur and distort otherwise simple photographs of herself to better represent a concept. Unlike Sherman’s material excess: Undeniable inspiration. Mang’s accessory choices are minimal and singular. Harmless household items turn into emotionally charged fetishes. Their relative safety becomes a point of contention.
Born Zhao Bing Bin, “Mang” means “blind,” a choice to “remind me not only to trust my own eyes, but also to use my heart to see the world.”


Zhao Bing Bin Mang MAngZhao Bing BinZhao Bing Bin | PICDIT | Surrealism photography, Creative photography, Photography

Website→  https://www.mangmang.me/





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