Artist Appreciation Exhibition – Online

Artist Appreciation Exhibition - Online

Artist Appreciation  Exhibition – ONLINE

Oliver Art Center – Until Dec 4, 2020 Frankfort, Michigan (US)






Featuring artists who have given their time and art to support OAC’s Annual Summer Fundraising galas for the past few years. With twenty two regional artists participating, the exhibition features everything from oil. Acrylic, and watercolor painting. To fiber art, to sculptures, and ceramics.

Artists include: Greta Bolger. Vicki Carpenter. Trish Early. Char Ester. Lauren Everett. Finn, Nancy Foster. Ron Gianola. Peggy Hawley. Elizabeth Rodgers. Brian Iler, Steve Kline. L.C. Lim, Ann Loveless. Mercedes Michalowski. Mary Kay Niemiec. Kirsten Ross. Rufus Snoddy. Carol C Spaulding. Pam Spicer. Becky Thatcher. Bob Thomas. Barbara Webb. Pier Wright.


Artist Appreciation Exhibition - Online

Oliver Art Center ONLINE132 Coast Guard Rd, Frankfort, MI 49635

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