Titus Kaphar – Online

Titus Kaphar Online

Titus Kaphar ; “From a Tropical Space”

Gagosian Gallery – Until Dec 19, 2020 New-York (US)






Gagosian is pleased to present From a Tropical Space. An exhibition of new paintings by Titus Kaphar. This is Kaphar’s first exhibition with the gallery and opens his performance.

Painter, sculptor, filmmaker and installation artist. Kaphar re-examines American history by deconstructing representations. The existing styles through its own formal innovations. Her practice seeks to dislodge history from its status as “past” in order to understand its continuing impact on the present. Using materials like tar. Rusty glass and nails. As well as the highly refined oil painting. And employing techniques such as cutting. Shredding. Sewing. Binding and erasing. He reworks the historical codes and conventions of canonical art. And by discovering the conceptual and narrative underpinnings of certain source images, Titus Kaphar explores the manipulation of cultural and personal identity as a central thematic concern while inventing new narratives.


Titus Kaphar OnlineTitus Kaphar: From a Tropical Space, West 21st Street, New York, October 1–December 19, 2020 | GagosianTitus Kaphar: From a Tropical Space, West 21st Street, New York, October 1–December 19, 2020 | GagosianTitus Kaphar: From a Tropical Space, West 21st Street, New York, October 1–December 19, 2020 | Gagosian

Visit Gagossian Online→  522 West 21st Street New York, ny 10011

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