Chen Zhen – Short circuits

Chen Zhen «Short-circuits»

Chen Zhen “Short circuits”
Pirelli HangarBicocca – Until Feb 21, 2021 Milano (Italy)






“Short-circuits” is conceived as an immersive exploration within the complex artistic research of Chen Zhen (Shanghai, 1955 – Paris, 2000). Bringing together for the first time some of the artist’s most significant works from 1991 to 2000. In the Navate and Espaces Cubo by Pirelli HangarBicocca.
Chen Zhen was a pioneer of abstract painting. In his native Shanghai in the years following the Cultural Revolution. He moved to France in 1986, at the age of thirty-one. He becomes a source of inspiration for other members of the contemporary Chinese artistic community. Huang Yong Ping. Shen Yuan.


Yang Jiechang and Wang Du. They all moved to Paris in the following years. During his short life – he died at the age of forty-five. Chen Zhen has developed a unique and sophisticated language through large installations. In which he uses his personal experience to address cultural difference. Universality and (dis) connection between East and West. This retrospective and its bilingual catalog will frame his important reflections. On the complexity of intercultural realities at the end of the cold war. And at the start of accelerated globalization.


Chen Zhen - Short-circuits nel 2020 | Chen, Fare arte, Arte

Pirelli HangarBicocca→

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