Evelyn Loschy & Laura Fitzgerald: Tickling a sensible space

Evelyn Loschy

Evelyn Loschy & Laura Fitzgerald: Tickling a sensible space
Galerie Michaela Stock – Jan 22 to Mar 06, 2022, Vienna (Austria)






The issue of identity is often a sensible space.

Identity is the way we perceive and express ourselves as individuals. As a society, or as a nation. Space whether, real, virtual or imagined, is crucial in constructing new enviroments for artistic communties, allowing them to explore and promote new values in society. Opening this space through the production of artworks, allows questions to be asked of stereotypes, conventions, gender issues, sexuality, race, nationality and heritage.

Tickling a sensible space.

The exhibition titled “Tickling a sensible space” presents two young female artists. Evelyn Loschy from Austria and Laura Fitzgerald from Ireland. Both artists have different backgrounds, education and working conditions, but explore the same topic. Identity and it’s representation in socio-cultural spaces. This investigation, into the shifting ecology of identity, allows the artists to propose alternative questions to where our place is within contemporary culture.

Laura Fitzgerald.

Laura Fitzgerald searches for her identity through the family farm in County Kerry, Ireland. Highlighting comparisons between rural identities and the work of an artist. She probes in a satirical way, the difficult task of being an artist through drawings, videos and virtual sound installation.

Evelyn Loschy.

Evelyn Loschy prompts the viewer to question at what point the self becomes other. New works such as a kinetic sculpture, a performance / video. And an animated 3D sculpture, built especially for the virtual exhibition space. Work with identity and thematically intersect to sharpen one’s view of the complex processes of the human being . They appear to lose their original form. Confront the visitor with the view on behaviour of human beings and the visualisation of the innerself.


 Laura_FitzgeraEvelyn Loschy & Laura Fitzgerald: Tickling a sensible space

Galerie Michaela Stock→  http://www.galerie-stock.net/







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