Katharina Grosse – It wasn’t us

Katharina Grosse - It wasn’t us

Katharina Grosse. “It wasn’t us”

Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Until Jan 10, 2021 Berlin (Germany)






Katharina Grosse will use the historic Hamburger Bahnhof hall. As well as the outdoor space behind the building as a site for new work. It destabilizes and radically renegotiates the existing order of museum space. Integrating the floor of the room and sculptural polystyrene elements as a pictorial background. His painting will extend beyond the walls of the building. In the public space, inviting us to reconsider our habits of seeing. Think and perceive.
Katharina Grosse’s latest in-situ painting does not take into account the limits of the museum’s space. In a grandiose and colorful gesture: “I painted my way out of the building,” Grosse said of his work.


German government seeks to buy Hamburger Bahnhof museum from investor | The  Art Newspaper in 2020 | German government, Gallery weekend, MuseumKatharina Grosse: Stefan Schneider | Events | News | Gagosian

Museum für Gegenwart→  Potsdamer Straße 58 10785 Berlin (Germany)

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