Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset

Elmgreen & Dragset

Michael Elmgreen and Ingar Dragset
Visual artist
Location: Berlin (Germany)


Throughout their careers, Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset (born 1961 and 1969 in Denmark and Norway, respectively) have continually redefined the representation and experience of art. Drawing on institutional criticism of art, political science, performance and architecture. The duo produces sculptures and installations that question the feeling of familiarity with a most characteristic subversive spirit and humor.


Elmgreen & Dragset

Michael Elmgreen and Ingar DragsetMICHAEL ELMGREEN & INGAR DRAGSET | Contemporary art installation, Political art, Sculpture installationElmgreen & Dragset | Verdades de la vida, Flores en el atico, Inspiraciones de amor

Website→  http://www.elmgreen-dragset.com/






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