Pedro Calapez
Location: Lisboa – (Portugal)
I don’t know if everything originates in the gaze. At least my gaze frequently dazzles with unexpected images that in vain I try to engrave in my memory. The remains of those impressions appear in my paintings through my hands. I’m lost, running in circles, trying to organize these countless references. I believe that what I do depends on my gaze and what I achieve in painting is what arises from the contingency of living (what you experience, you may also not experience).
The becoming of the gaze. Knowing that it continuously balances between seeing and not seeing. Explains why reality is so difficult to follow. Painting will always be in the contingency of a gaze. On the (im)possibility of understanding reality.These formal particularities of a concept. Allow the evaluation of different lines of work. Where painting relates intimately to its support. And on the way it’s displayed on the wall. Abstraction is only one of the aspects of my work. As the direction of the gaze and the relative position of the viewer. To what he is seeing establishes important structural paths. Gesture defines the use of colour. But gaze dominates the quest for meaning.
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