Aaron Garber-Maikovska

Aaron Garber-Maikovska

Aaron Garber-Maikovska
Location: Los Angeles (US)


Los Angeles-based Aaron Garber-Maikovska is a multimedia artist whose work encompasses painting. The drawing. Sculpture and video. His style is marked by frenzied and expressive lines and colors. Perhaps taking the form of a letter, sign, portrait, comic book, or even calligraphy. These paintings seem illegible, almost cryptic. With lines and colors fading and out of sync. The viewer can attempt to examine the meaning of Garber-Maikovska’s work. However, the artist’s goal is to convey new modes of communication through gesture.

Visually, the paintings have bravado and a frivolous sense of movement and rhythm. From previous examples, with bold black lines, to later works. With a chaotic use of paint and pastel. Garber-Maikovska has an idiosyncratic approach that really stands out.


8 idées de Aaron Garber-Maikovska | encre, gibier, contemporain8 idées de Aaron Garber-Maikovska | encre, gibier, contemporain

Website→  http://aarongarbermaikovska.com/index.html





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