Hugo Proaño

Hugo Proaño

Hugo Proaño

Painter, Sculptor

Location: Machachi, Ecuador

Hugo Proaño studied at the Faculty of Arts of the Central University of Ecuador. Has a Higher Diploma in Art Studies, studies in wood sculpture and sculpture.

Among his works by Hugo Proaño are the International Monumental Sculpture Event. Mejía Aloasí Sculpture. Artist Painter of the Gallery Plant Andrew Kold and Son, Manhattan New York. Restoration of lamps. Chandeliers Antique Golden Oldies Antiques New York.

He has received recognition as the First National Award of December of the Metropolitan District of Quito, First Prize in the Fourth National Contest of Masks of the Andean Institution of Popular Arts, Second Prize in the National University Painting Competition of the House of Ecuadorian Culture – Catholic University, Quito.

Proaño has made individual exhibitions Eros de Vida Cultural Center Benjamín CARRIÓN 2007. Walking towards art in NYC First Annual Citywide Open Studios Tour, New York 2007. Exhibition of CCE Masks, 1994. Pintura Centro Agrícola, Cantón Mejía- Pichincha.


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